Violence–in particular, sexual violence–is increasingly linked to porn. Here you can find studies and videos related to violence and porn. Here you can find studies and videos related to violence and porn. Our other favourite sites for sourcing research include the Culture Reframed Academic Library, Your Brain on Porn and the Reward Foundation.
For targeted information to intervene with children and young people displaying problematic sexual behaviours, we recommend accessing Intervention & Recovery, a free program provided by Culture Reframed. The topics included in this resource are: What are the Warning Signs for Kids?; What are the Warning Signs for Teens?; Developing a Strategy; and, Finding a Clinician.
Many people don’t realise just how violent mainstream porn is. The below graphic contains examples of video titles found on PornHub, the most commonly accessed porn site in the world.
Traffickinghub is pushing to hold Pornhub accountable. Traffickinghub is a decentralized global movement of individuals, survivors, organizations and advocates from across a broad spectrum of political, faith and non-faith, economic, and ideological backgrounds, all uniting together for the single purpose of shutting down Pornhub and holding its executives accountable for enabling, distributing and profiting from rape, child abuse, sex trafficking and criminal image-based sexual abuse. Add your support to the petition which has over 2 million signatures.